Our First Navy Nest
This cozy little nook has been changed from a "dining room" to the puppy nook, it's a great area to toss the mail, hang leashes and keys. The pictures are 12x12 frames with 12x12 scrapbook pages with grayscale prints of our puppy girls placed in the middle! The baskets are your everyday rectangle storage baskets with ribbon tide towards the back to make it hang at a slight tilt. I used a butter knife to push the ribbon between the tightly woven basket sides.
I love this wall, H & I wanted to do black, greys and white in our living room, but I needed a bit of color and character! Antique jars are filled with random finds such as wine bottle corks and game dice. The photo is a fond place from home home, fits nicely in our new nest. Lack shelves from IKEA!!
Our beautiful grey bedroom!
The laundry closet!