So here I am a wife, mama, dog mom, daughter, sister, aunt, friend, student and business owner, not to mention a Hello Kitty fanatic and lover of all things pink. In August 2010 my husband and I decided to change our lives forever, together and he joined the US Navy. I have for years not felt that he was my best friend, as so many claim their spouse is. This decision together proved me wrong, he always has been my best friend and I his. So with all the roles I play already, I'm now taking on what I think is going to be the most difficult, most trying, test of faith, strength, and courage I have ever imagined. I also know that it will also be the most rewarding thing I could ever do, for myself, for him and for us.
In 2012 we were finally blessed with a beautiful baby girl. Miss O. In 2017 God gave us another little girl, Miss M. Now we feel that life is complete!
In 2022 our world imploded by the way of an unexpected divorce. The girls and I moved half-way across the country back to my "home." Where we all started over. Read about this new life here