We started cycle #1 a week ago, which means I've been on hormone medication for a week and I have not needed bail money, no one has disowned me (not publicly anyway), and I have not had a total meltdown yet. I feel this is going well. MMMkay, so I may be sugar coating it. There was a night when the hard drive in my laptop died. (night before first dose) I threatened to drop out of grad school when it couldn't be repaired. (morning of first dose) I bawled over some Jack Daniels Tennessee Honey at my best friend's house. (gosh was that the night of the first or second dose) I am not sure but I may have been the reason she opened and finished a bottle of wine that night, by herself. Then there was the night that hard drive #2 started hating on me. Sweet genius hubby rushing out to buy hard drive #3 for me. Spending RIDICULOUS HOURS recovering files, transferring them and then reinstalling all my programs...for a second time. We get passed that crisis and 2 out of 3 of us get sick. One ER visit because the triage nurse over the phone said we needed to
I am certain I have gained more weight than I want to admit to this week, however I'll get it lost again, I have to. Just need a kinder, less insane week or so.
♥ g